Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One more week

There is only one more week until school, give or take a few days depending on which  of the kids I am talking about.  Jessie has  an open house Monday when she will get her schedule and find all of the rooms for her classes.  I am SO glad that we only have to go through that stress once in our life. Well, you know what I mean anyway, she has several years of it.

    I  went to Catholic school, so it was a lot different for me than it is for the kids in public school. I went through K-8 with the same  30 kids.  We switched classes in 8th grade, and that meant all 30 of us went accross the hall to another room for math! I didn't go through  the type of adjustment she will  until ninth grade.  And let me tell you, I was THAT freshman.   The Highschool I went to freshman year had three levels, plus the basement where the cafeteria was, and my locker was down there too.  :(  I was the kid who was afraid to be late for the class on the third floor, so I carried  umpteen books around with me .
What was worse, I was desperate to be liked, so when a classmate asked me to carry their books, while they schmoozed with other friends, I likely did it. Yes, I was also the one who dropped said books while going up the stairs!

Josh starts school Thursday. Bless his heart, he is anxious about second grade because a kid  he know said he will have to add 3 digit numbers.  He will, that is true, but the kid is just good at math. he will do fine. 

Jeff has a little more time to relax. His  move in date is September 2.  THey have a whole weekend of activities planned, and I am sure  he will do fine. But I feel sort of like when  each of them started kindergarten.  Maybe worse.  He has already  "met" his roomate online, so that shouldn't be as awkward as I was worried about.  One thing that is helping me is that he is only going to be forty minutes away, so if we forget to pack something,  or he needs us, it is only a phone call away. Now I just have to keep from calling HIM and bugging him while he is away!  See, he should thank me that he doesnt have texting!!

Overall, I am kind of bummed that summer is almost over. We had alot of fun together , and there are alot of changes to come this school year, and I am not sure I am ready for them.  They are coming anyway.

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