Monday, August 9, 2010

Computer smackdown

Okay, I know I shouldn't brag. But sometimes when you have a little victory you just feel like celebrating!!

We got  Jeff a laptop for Graduation  to use at school.  I wanted  to make sure he had a little time to get used to it before he moved.  Well, he just kept taking the laptop into the  basement  to use.  Finally  I asked him if the rest of us had body odor. I mean, I understand the XBOX is set up down there so  he  has to be down there when he plays that.  But the laptop he can  sit right on the couch or at the kitchen table.

Well, his wireless apparently sucked old socks.  Chris checked it  and it was terrible. So we took it back to best buy and they checked it, and agreed and gave us a new laptop.  We got that one home tonight and it was exactly the same. The connection said excellent, but we could not get anything to download, and when we ran a  speed test it was as slow as molasses.  Chris fooled with it for a good part of the night before giving up and going to bed.  We figured we would need a different model of lap top.

I  am a stubborn woman.  I cannot stand to be defeated by a computer , ask anyone.

So I got busy , looking on the internet about what different settings mean, and fooling with his wireless adapter .  Finally, I figured out the problem and now  his internet connection kicks ass,  even beats my connection .  I dont even know how I managed to find the one tiny setting, other than comparing my settings to his.

Needless to say I am here  late at night by myself doing my own little victory dance!  I only look slightly better than that  man in the photo, but that is just how I feel.

Also, we found a neat little gadget at Best buy that we can dock our old hard drive into and transfer any data we want to save . It is AWESOME>>  but I have to say I am glad we have a backup drive that we bought a while ago, because there were so many pictures and videos on my old Hard drive  that they wont even fit on my laptop.  Go figure!   Tomorrow I am going to work on transferring more files to the backup drive, and then I am going to back up my lap top files.

Better safe than sorry!!

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